Legacy - Our Processes for "Design"
Updated over a week ago

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In Certified Code, we have a process for design that we follow with every project. This helps us to consistently produce high-quality work that meets our clients' expectations.

The first step in our process is to meet with the client to discuss their project. We want to understand their goals, objectives, and any other relevant information. This meeting also gives the client an opportunity to ask questions and get to know us better.

After the initial meeting, we will begin working on the project's concept. This is where we start to explore different design directions and narrow down our focus. We will present our concepts to the client for feedback and approval.

Once the concept is approved, we move on to the next phase: design development. This is where we take the approved concept and start to flesh it out in more detail. We will create initial drafts of the project's visual elements, such as the logo, color scheme, and typography.

Once the design development phase is complete, we move on to production. This is where we finalize all of the project's visual elements and prepare it for launch. We will also create any necessary supporting materials, such as an style guide or brand guidelines.

Finally, we launch the project and begin post-launch support. This is where we provide ongoing maintenance and updates to the project as needed. We also offer our clients additional services, such as social media marketing or search engine optimization.

Certified Code is a full-service design agency that offers a wide range of services, from initial concept development to post-launch support.

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