How "SEO with AI"'s plans work

Understand how your price is calculated, and get the most out of your SEO with AI subscription.

Updated over a week ago

How "SEO with AI"'s plans work

Understand how your price is calculated, and get the most out of your SEO with AI subscription.

The starter plan (that comes when you install the app) comes with 15 generations per app every 24 hours. It means you can generate 15 alt text from images, and generate 15 title/description in the last 24 hours from the current time. The limit only applies to the current site.

The unlimited plan (in-app upgrade) comes with unlimited generations. There is no cooldown time. The subscription only applies to the site that upgraded the app. The subscription is shared with all site collaborators.

Pro tips:

  • If you have multiple sites, you need to upgrade them one by one.

  • If you haven't installed the app on Wix App Market, you can still use the extension with the same limit as the starter plan.

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